The short version of why I launched Get Us Listed…
Why did I start an online marketing agency? Simple, I thoroughly enjoy seeing businesses take off, I thoroughly enjoy seeing a business owner who was getting lackluster results suddenly getting so much business they can barely contain themselves when discussing the results. It took me over a decade to figure out what aspect of being a website owner I enjoyed the most, ironically, it wasn’t making my own websites successful. It was the happiness I brought other business owners. That is why I started Get Us Listed, and that is why I treat even my smallest clients the same as my largest.
The Long version…
Throughout the last 20 years, Heath has been involved in every aspect of creating websites, starting at the ripe age of 16 Heath got an early start and began developing custom HTML AOL web pages for numerous clients. Those clients ranged started with friends and quickly jumped to indie musicians, models, construction companies, and various others in numerous fields.
Since that time the web has evolved, and through that evolution so has Heath’s capabilities. Being actively engaged in everything from start to finish Heath has learned how to design, edit and create content, utilize search engine traffic, as well as market the websites using both advertising platforms as well as social media, in doing so achieving great levels of success in just short periods of time.
Heath has also helped consult numerous private website owners in how to alter their current website in order to achieve greater levels of user engagement, as well as better monetization.
Heaths expertise in the numerous fields listed above will definitely help you achieve greater levels of success using the online marketplace. So head on over to the context section and let’s start making some money, together!